Minor Fix in 3WORLD!:
[agt]Minor Fix in 3WORLD!:[/agt] – Fixed Gravatar, now if you have a gravatar, it will appear with no problem, if not, it will be replaced by default ones used by the website.
[agt]Minor Fix in 3WORLD!:[/agt] – Fixed Gravatar, now if you have a gravatar, it will appear with no problem, if not, it will be replaced by default ones used by the website.
this is another version of it Posted from WordPress for Android Filed under: Uncategorized via Motwera http://motwera.wordpress.com/2013/10/25/updated-my-fanart/
Seriously, don’t tell me how uncool current crash looks like, both old and current crashes look cool to me This drawing proves it. Posted from WordPress for Android Filed under: Uncategorized via Motwera http://motwera.wordpress.com/2013/10/25/my-newest-drawing-of-crash-untitled/
hello, bolded visitor!
[agt]3WORLD! Changelog: (Major update)[/agt] – Status update poster is now being usable in every section of the website, in addition of being now equipped with tabbed widget that has additional tabs, such as a chatroom, and FAQ tab. – It now supports last visit or latest posts notification bubble on the favicon of the website, with iOS styled numberic red dot. – Search box has been moved into header, usable by mobile and tab/pc users now. – Menu changes, now … Read More
Hello.. testing code from plugin into theme integration
3WORLD! now had a mini avatar icon on the side of your username, for tne navigation bar.. Also… what’s with the negativity for SLW?
Hello… testing some changes 123
Changes in 3WORLD! (Again) Thumbs up and down have been removed out of archive/frontpage/search results, please go to the desired post and then use the post/comment thumbs feature, thanks. (Due to infinite scrolling screwing up with ‘older posts’ loader..)
Changes that have been added into 3W! – Category/topics pages now display 10 recent comments in any discussion/post from the assigned category of each post!