Steam Machine’s unboxing (Beta testers)
Unboxing: Booting up:
Unboxing: Booting up:
[agt]Seriously, NeoGAF?![/agt] Display content from Imgur Click here to display content from Imgur. Learn more in Imgur’s privacy policy. Always display content from Imgur Open "content" directly [url][/url]
Testing BBcode… [b]hello[/b]
Testing image url embed…
Hello, working from Opera Mini!
Status updates that get posted via the website, are now redirectable when published (Though its delayed, Publish > Refresh > Redirected to post/status)
Last time I promise, #pleasedontkillme ;_;
#why 3WORLD! test of status post redirection, even another one (Sorry for the gibberish that is spamming your wall if you are following on social networks of 3W)
#COMEON! 3WORLD! test of status post redirection, even another one (Sorry for the gibberish that is spamming your wall if you are following on social networks of 3W)
#Seriously? 3WORLD! test of status post redirection, even another one (Sorry for the gibberish that is spamming your wall if you are following on social networks of 3W)