Digital Foundry – Many Sources Point to PS4 Neo’s Launch being this Fall
Digital Foundry has been keeping an eye on PS4 Neo and Xbox Scropio rumors for a while now, and continue to get word about the systems specs, information and launch details. They got a number of sources indicating a Fall 2016 launch for the Neo platform.
Several sources have indicated to me that PlayStation Neo launches this year, despite its E3 no-show. If that is the case, it’ll be interesting to see how developers utilize its resources, and whether 4K really is the focus. And we can be equally as sure that Microsoft will be watching just as intently as it gears up for its own next-gen roll-out.
This is interesting, considering Xbox’s major platform is coming out next Fall. As NeoGaf poster DieH@rd noted, we have a number of conferences/events Sony could announced the launch date for the PS4 Neo.
“Notable upcoming gaming events with big Sony presence:
Gamescom – August 17-21 [2 months after E3]
Tokyo Games Show – September 15-20 [3 months after E3]
Paris Games Week – October 27-31 [4.5 months after E3]
PSX – early December
Playstation Meeting ?”
Source: NeoGaf VIA Digital Foundtry