Dragon Quest Builders Review-Round Up
The upcoming title Dragon Quest Builders is a creative spin on the Minecraft styled game; blending Zelda-esc exploration and RPG elements form the Dragon Quest series with the building and crafting features from Minecraft. I really enjoyed my time with this games demo but what about the full game? Does it meet expectations?
Based on recently released reviews, I would say the game meets many gamers expectations. It current holds high score averages on Opencritic (85%) and Metacritic (84%).
USGamer – 4.5/5
Striking an almost perfect balance between RPG and construction game, Dragon Quest: Builders manages to hold fast to the best parts of the series whose name it bears while creating a guided, structured format for the Minecraft concept. The end result works brilliantly, with top-notch visuals, music, and writing that help drive home the appeal. There’s room for improvement here… but not much
While created for fans first and foremost, Dragon Quest Builders serves as not only a love letter to the long running series, but also as an excellent introduction for newcomers to this wonderful franchise that is definitely worth checking out.
All this adventure and discovery made me think of times in my past that I sunk hours and hours into game’s like Dragon Warriors II and Torneko: The Last Hope. That being said, I feel as though Dragon Quest Builders is not only worthy of being apart of the long standing RPG franchise, but it also succeeds in making its mark and surpassing all competition compared to any game like it
Combining an action RPG with a building game is an unusual combination, but great care was done to ensure that fans of both can be satisfied by this and the freedom to play the game in a way most compatible to the individual player’s preference only makes it better.
Dragon Quest Builders is both a fantastic game and a testament to the incredible versatility of the Dragon Quest series. It is a culmination of everything that the series is known and loved for, combined with the strongest elements of Minecraft. With solid gameplay, a gorgeous world, and genuinely funny writing, even those unfamiliar with the franchise can easily find something here to enjoy. Everything Dragon Quest Builders offers comes together beautifully to form a unique and immensely rewarding experience.
More reviews released and they can be found at this organized and structured thread on NeoGaf made by Jimmyfenix.