RUMOR – Smash Bros. Switch Port in First 6 Months with Cloud & Bayonetta Amiibos
It is no secret that games like Smash Brothers might land on the Nintendo Switch but more rumors have been popping up implying that it will happen very soon after the systems launch.
According to a pair of sources who we have used in the past when reporting on Switch news, we have learned that the Bayonetta and Cloud Amiibo, both previously slated for 2016 release, are now being held back to launch alongside an upcoming Switch port of Smash Bros.
According to our information, the port will not be a launch day release for the Switch, but is targetting a release in the first six months after the Switch hits shelves. We have not heard any confirmation that the port will contain any new content, but we have been told it will contain all DLC from the Wii U version of the game. We have not heard anything regarding Gamecube Controller support for the port.
While we are aware multiple sites and outlets have claimed a slew of enhanced ports are coming to the Switch on launch day, including some sites falsely attributing us as their source, we would like to make it clear that this report is the sum total of what we are currently announcing. Our reporting on a Smash port should not be taken as confirmation of any other recent reports with our name incorrectly attached being accurate.
Due to the nature of rumors, this could easily be false, so please take this information with a gain of salt. But it is still nice to hear that games like Smash Bros. might have a home on the Nintendo Switch in the distant future.
Source: GameXplain VIA LetsPlayVideoGames