DOOM Resurrected (Part 2) Releases! – Documentary from Danny O’Dwyer
The long development history of DOOM 2016 is quite interesting and the first part in this three part documentary series by NoClip and Danny O’Dwyer was enjoyable to watch. Focusing on the origins of the project, we learned a bit more about early versions of DOOM 2016 and the changes it went through before shifting in a new direction we see the game in today.
But what about designing the new version of DOOM? After starting over development again and going in a more classical direction, what did id Software do to produce one of 2016’s strongest shooters? Check the above video out to find out!
In part two of Noclip’s look into the development of DOOM (2016) Danny analyzes the design of the game’s opening level, and talks to Hugo Martin & Marty Stratton about the origin of the game’s self-aware tone. [Part 2 of 3] Influence free games coverage, funded by gamers. Join today & support our work:
Hosted by Danny O’Dwyer
DOOM Music:
Mick Gordon – At DOOM’s Gate
Mick Gordon – Argent Energy
Additional Music Supplied by Audio Network:……Produced by Danny O’Dwyer & Jeremy Jayne. Funded by Gamers.