Velocity X2 Confirmed To Be Getting Retail Release (PS Vita & PS4) – Published by BadLand Games
The indie hit Velocity X2 takes arcade space shooters and blends with Sonic the Hedgehog 2D platforming in creating an amazing experience. It’s a personal favorite on my Vita and I continue going back to this for getting better scores and times.
It’s getting a retail release thanks to the team-up between Futurlab and Badland Games. The PS4 version will offer a special edition while the PS Vita version will get a basic retail release. This is a major milestone for not only the game, but for Futurlab as well; this is their first retail release.
Considering it’s such a great game, this is great news for fans of action games and platformers alike. You can visit the developers website for further information about the PS4 Collectors Edition and other important facts.