New Articles, Reviews & More Coming Soon
So…hello everyone!
Been a long time since I posted anything on 3WIREL and I’m deeply sorry for this. Personal matters came in the way of things but now, I am ready to write a lot of content I’m hopeful you will all enjoy. Some major reviews are coming up soon and they include titles like Spark The Electric Jester, Ratchet & Clank (PS4), Yooka-Laylee, and The Caligula Effect. Many more will be coming soon, so stay tuned.
You might spot a few PS4 games in that line up, well…I finally got a PS4! So expect PS4 and more current generation games to get reviewed on 3WIREL by myself in the coming days and weeks. E3 is also right around the corner, so we will be quite busy writing coverage for the event.
I have been away for a long time but now I’m ready to come back swinging with new content. Thank you for your patience, not only from you the viewers but my fellow teammates that work with me on the site.