![Featured image for “[TECH-O-NATOR] Throwback: The Pocket Electrodex Video Owner’s Guide (video by PDCS216)”](https://i0.wp.com/3wirel.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/the-pocket-electrodex-video-owners-guide.jpg?fit=480%2C360&ssl=1)
Bubsy’s back! What could pawsibly go wrong?
Ya know besides everything.
That’s right guys it’s not a joke this is really happening and I’m just baffled as everybody else. Out of all the franchises to make a comeback this was the one I never expected to return and I didn’t expect Accolade to rise from the dead either. But here we are it just goes to show you that anything is possible keep dreaming. Also memes were a mistake.
Poi (3D Platformer) Coming to PlayStation 4 – More Information Coming Thursday
A few months back, we reviewed a 3D platformer called Poi on PC. It was a great game that I personally greatly enjoyed. But with no console release, it was only on PC. Thankfully, it seems the studio is bringing the game to the PlayStation 4 in the future. Above is a teaser trailer of the game’s PS4 version. On game’s official Twitter, it’s stated more information is coming out on Thursday, so likely word on an official release date will come then.
Stay tuned for further information and if you love 3D platformers, keep an eye out for this title on your PlayStation 4’s.
Assassin’s Creed Origins Leak – E3 2017 Trailer Releases Early
Welp…surprising no one, Ubisoft continues to leak out stuff from upcoming projects. Mario X Rabbids having tons of information come out (which we will touch on later today) and now the major Assassin’s Creed Project for 2017. The trailer for this leaked out today, and it seems to be set in Egypt 1354 BC. We will likely learn more very soon, so stay tuned for further information.
Source: Cosmografik
Sonic Mania – August 15th Release Confirmed & Pre-Order Trailer Live
Sonic Mania is launching this summer but now we know when exactly. The SEGA Genesis inspired Sonic dash will be launching this August across all platforms (PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch). To celebrate, SEGA released a visually breathtaking animation that oozes with style and charm infamous to Classic Sonic. It shows off an animation, implying that animated cut-scenes might find their way into the main game.
In addition, the trailer shows off what I think to be this games take on Stardust Speedway. It’s over run with plant life but the level design elements and speed boosters present look ripped right out of Sonic CD. We might learn more about the zone and the rumored City Zone at E3 this year, considering we are still ways away from Mania’s official launch.
If you pre-order it on PSN or Xbox Live, you get various avatars and themes based on Mania, so visit those storefronts if that stuff interests you. Price point is also live, with the game costing 19.99$.
Final Fantasy VII Remake and KH3: Releasing within the next Three Years
You know the comments about how Square Enix large-scale productions take forever to come out? How titles like Final Fantasy Verses XIII (now called and finished as Final Fantasy XV) were treated as jokes for years? Well…seems like FFVII Remake and Kingdom Hearts III will fall under that label if recent news means anything. Games take a long time to develop and it makes sense that both will take a while to release.
According to Square Enix president and CEO Yosuke Matsuda.
Final Fantasy VII Remake and Kingdom Hearts III will launch within the next three years, according to Square Enix president and CEO Yosuke Matsuda.
In an outline of Square Enix’s financial briefings for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017, Matsuda said about the following slide: “This slide shows our release lineup for FY2017/3 as well as for FY2018/3 and beyond. We plan to launch each of these upcoming titles in the next three years or so.”
It’s a shame to see more Square Enix games enter deep development troubles but it makes sense, sadly. Both Kingdom Hearts III and FFVII Remake were announced to early and proper development likely started a year after their official announcements (and in KH3 case, it had to be ported into a Unreal Engine 4, after the FFXV engine was to troublesome to work with). We will hopefully see Kingdom Hearts III release next year, considering how the team is working with a great engine and 2018 has no Kingdom Hearts game announced so far.
Regarding FFVII Remake, I picture this as being the ‘Final Fantasy XVI’ project within Square Enix currently; they aren’t going to rush this. Not when other games like NeiR Automata, FFXII HD and other projects (including western ones from Crystal Dynamics for example) can fill the void FFVII Remake is leaving open currently.
Source: Gematsu
Sonic Mania Release Date Leaked (PC/Steam Version) – August 15th
Sonic Mania is planed to be a summer title, but no one knows when it’s releasing. Now, we have a clear release date. Discovered on Steam’s servers, is a new trailer that details the game getting a release date of August 15th. That is good news, as it informs us that the game is not that far away. This could indicate that console versions on PS4/Xbox One/Switch are going to release around a similar release date, but no official word on that yet.
Knowing Mania is launching in August is great news and we will continue reporting on Sonic Mania news as it comes out. Source of this video comes from SonicWindBlue, who uploaded the video onto his YouTube Channel.
Update (5/26/2017) – Credit for discovering this information originally goes out to Pixelbuster (@PixelMatt64)
Demo Impressions – NieR: Automata
One thing comes to mind when you think Square Enix; Final Fantasy. But the studio helped published a strange little game called NieR back in the PS3/360 Generation, which many love to this day. In a strange turn of events, it got a sequel greenlight but that isn’t the odd part. That, comes with the fact Platinum Games co-developed the title alongside the team that helped produce the original NeiR. The game is out now currently, but I recently had the time to play it’s demo on PSN. Consider this my first PS4-focused article.
So does Platinum’s take on the action-RPG offer fun?
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New Articles, Reviews & More Coming Soon
So…hello everyone!
Been a long time since I posted anything on 3WIREL and I’m deeply sorry for this. Personal matters came in the way of things but now, I am ready to write a lot of content I’m hopeful you will all enjoy. Some major reviews are coming up soon and they include titles like Spark The Electric Jester, Ratchet & Clank (PS4), Yooka-Laylee, and The Caligula Effect. Many more will be coming soon, so stay tuned.
You might spot a few PS4 games in that line up, well…I finally got a PS4! So expect PS4 and more current generation games to get reviewed on 3WIREL by myself in the coming days and weeks. E3 is also right around the corner, so we will be quite busy writing coverage for the event.
I have been away for a long time but now I’m ready to come back swinging with new content. Thank you for your patience, not only from you the viewers but my fellow teammates that work with me on the site.
3WIREL! Reaches its 10th Anniversary (Since Initial Launch – Brief)
It finally happened, yesterday was the 10th anniversary since the website inception of 3WIREL! (was changed by names several times over the course of these 10 years, the first website was three3.8m.net). Thanks to the hard work of everyone in the team (including me, the creator) for the best first year in a long while for the site, we have had great highlight posts and reviews done, such as Zelda BOTW, Prey 2 Story, Rayman, Yacht Club Games Interview and so much more. There was going to be a major surprise amid this anniversary, with the advent of the long-anticipated website redesign and reimagination of my original 2007 Flash vision for the future foreseeable, however, things are going slow and not as expected. Do expect a major post regarding the history of the website from me hopefully soon this weekend.
Thank you all for the help and support, keep it going!