On-demand server of MC (3W)

MotweraStatus (Legacy)Leave a Comment

Have purchased Minecraft?
Then, go ahead and play our new on-demand server, which is:
#1 – de.gratisserver.nu:25578 (Enter this into the game server joining option/Available on request, PM by email or chatroom) // Max 2 hours per demand (2 demands max per day) and only 4 players
#2 – 8 Players (512 MB) Minecraft [] (Enter this into the game server joining option/Available on request, PM by email or chatroom) / Max 3 hours, temporary and demand depends on available slots.
Have fun, and also.. No admin or mod are available. (Till we get a permanent one)
#3 – a brand new server from GamesUniverseGang:
There are some rules done by the person who promoted me to get his server visible to our readers at 3W! (You may ask if you don’t see them listed when you enter his server)