![Featured image for “[TECH-O-NATOR] Throwback: The Pocket Electrodex Video Owner’s Guide (video by PDCS216)”](https://i0.wp.com/3wirel.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/the-pocket-electrodex-video-owners-guide.jpg?fit=480%2C360&ssl=1)
SEGA has ‘fantastic developments’ in store for Wii U
SEGA has ‘fantastic developments’ in store for Wii U
Aliens: Colonial Marines may have been cancelled on Wii U but SEGA wants fans of Nintendo’s HD console to know that they have good things in store for them. They released a statement saying: “We are constantly looking at all areas of our business and in this case have made the decision to not continue The post SEGA has ‘fantastic developments’ in…
via: gimmegimmegames.com
News of the week, again… WHY MICROSOFT?!
Orth’s STUPID comments, or confirmations?! WHY?! (VIA VG247)
In addition to Microsoft’s Official response.. (Weeee-nay, KOTAKU)
Minecraft on PC, hits the 10 million mark! (VIA Develop)
Jedi Knight 2 n’ 3 source code released, REJOICE FANS! (VIA MTV MP)
Best gamers at sex are…Xbox players? + Bioshock Infinite secret message.. (VIA ESCAPIST and GAMESRADAR)
And more links: (Click read more for even more unnamed links 😛
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Razer Edge Gaming Tablet Will Ship with Steam
Razer Edge Gaming Tablet Will Ship with Steam
Razer is saving you the trouble of downloading and installing Steam on the Razer Edge gaming tablet. Razer said on Thursday that its Intel-based gaming tablet, the Razer Edge, will come packed with Valve Software’s Steam platform . This will allow PC gamers to download and install their library of Steam-based titles right out of the box.
via: www.tomshardware.com
Crystal Dynamics: Tomb Raider had best week one sales in franchise history
Crystal Dynamics: Tomb Raider had best week one sales in franchise history
Tomb Raider has achieved the highest week one sales in the franchise’s history, according to Crystal Dynamics studio head Darrell Gallagher. Speaking at a GDC panel alongside creative director Noah Hughes, Gallagher also revealed that Tomb Raider had the most successful launch of any game this year.
via: www.joystiq.com
GDC: Unreal Engine 4 and Frostbite 3 won’t support Wii U
GDC: Unreal Engine 4 and Frostbite 3 won’t support Wii U
Setting the record straight at the Game Developers Conference, Epic Games co-founder Mark Rein said in straightforward terms that, no, Unreal Engine 4 will not support Wii U. “I just laugh at the question…Unreal Engine 4, we’re not PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, or Wii U,” he told IGN. “It’s next-gen technology. That’s what we’re aiming for.
via: www.destructoid.com
Diablo 3 Director Jay Wilson: Auction Houses ‘really hurt’ game
Diablo 3 Director Jay Wilson: Auction Houses ‘really hurt’ game
Former Diablo 3 Game Director Jay Wilson admitted during a talk at GDC 2013 in San Francisco that both of Diablo 3’s Auction Houses (both the real-money and the in-game gold item auction house) “really hurt the game.
via: www.joystiq.com
Kickstarted, $99 Game Console Ouya Will Launch June 4
Kickstarted, $99 Game Console Ouya Will Launch June 4
Ouya is ready for its close-up. After a remarkably successful Kickstarter campaign that raised over $8 million last June, the startup will release its eponymous Ouya game console to retailers on June 4, it said on Thursday evening.
via: www.wired.com
Metal Gear Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear Solid 5 are separate games
Metal Gear Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear Solid 5 are separate games
Yesterday at GDC, Hideo Kojima said that Metal Gear Ground Zeroes and faux-mysterious Phantom Pain were actually together Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, and also that Ground Zeroes is the prologue. We interpreted that to mean they are one game, but that is not the case.
via: www.vg247.com
Good news… (3W! on Google Currents)
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