![Featured image for “[TECH-O-NATOR] Throwback: The Pocket Electrodex Video Owner’s Guide (video by PDCS216)”](https://i0.wp.com/3wirel.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/the-pocket-electrodex-video-owners-guide.jpg?fit=480%2C360&ssl=1)
Ace Attorney Collection 3DS Has Been Proposed By Capcom US
Ace Attorney Collection 3DS Has Been Proposed By Capcom US
Christian Svensson, Capcom’s Corporate Officer and Senior Vice-President, has revealed via the Capcom Unity forums that he has suggested to Capcom that they should create an Ace Attorney Collection for the Nintendo 3DS. Unfortunately, this is something he has been asking for the past few years with no solid response.
via: mynintendonews.com
EA, your SimCity is broke
EA, your SimCity is broke
EA, your SimCity is broke A cautionary tale goes ignored From: Comment: I’ve been putting a lot of time into SimCity over the past few nights, whenever the temperamental servers would permit it. I’m not able to experiment with the social features as much as I’d like to, because they’re not really working.
via: www.gamesradar.com
Minecraft considered for Playstation [SPOILER: Not Wii U]
Quoting Notch immediately about his interest in putting Minecraft to Playstation ecosystem…
And also, they are trying to bring the Pocket edition experience closer to the PC version , which is great news but what about the mods?
Also quoting Notch:
“The biggest challenge has been, and still is, finding the lowest common denominator for all the various mobile models there are on the market. It’s an obstacle to a lot of features that we have on the PC version, such as infinite worlds and redstone contraptions. Over time we’ll have to drop more and more models in order to add fun stuff to Pocket Edition.”
THIEF reboot is coming, according to this cover…
A new Thief game has been revealed and is scheduled to release in 2014. The new game promises to be a reboot to the Thief franchise, where you’ll once again take control of Garrett as he makes his way around “The City” stealing anything and everything to turn a profit.
The new Thief is being developed by Eidos Montreal and is planned to release on the PC, PS4 and “next gen consoles.” To keep us happy, hopefully they’ll just stick to the options and stealth that makes Thief… Well Thief. Don’t Micro-transaction the hell out of it, I’m looking at you Square Enix…
This was courtesy of a Press Release, but I hear this Russian website has a lot of screenshots
Source: ScrewAttack
New gamification system for 3WORLD!
Just check the main page at 3WORLD! and check the 2 new widgets 🙂
Dead Space Is Probably Pining For The Fjords
Dead Space Is Probably Pining For The Fjords
It’s not pinin’! It’s passed on! This franchise is no more! It has ceased to be! It’s expired and gone to meet its maker! It’s a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! Its metabolic processes are now ‘istory! It’s off the twig!
Cowabunga! ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows’ Game Trailer
Cowabunga! ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows’ Game Trailer
For game fans growing up in the 1980s, few tie-in games were as enjoyable, and at the same time downright frustrating, as Konami’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles title on the NES. Ever since that time, the lean, green, pizza-eating,…
via: gamerant.com
Rumor: Galaxy S4 to introduce eye-tracking that will autoscroll text as you read
Rumor: Galaxy S4 to introduce eye-tracking that will autoscroll text as you read
Add a comment According to the latest rumor, Samsung is enhancing the Smart Stay feature seen on the Galaxy S3 for the release of the Galaxy S4, as it’ll introduce a sister feature dubbed eye scrolling on its new flagship phone.
Assassin’s Creed 4′s ‘disgraceful’ whaling criticised by PETA
Assassin’s Creed 4′s ‘disgraceful’ whaling criticised by PETA
Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag will let players engage in a spot of whaling – that is, hunting down whales with harpoons. Animal rights group PETA has slammed the game for the treatment of our underwater allies.
via: www.vg247.com