Poi (3D Platformer) Releasing on Window’s 10 Storefront!

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The charming and enjoyable 3D platformer Poi is out now on Steam after leaving early access. We quite enjoyed the title, but for those wanting to play it on Window’s 10 platforms or get it through that storefront, you can soon! This version of the game offers full support for Xbox Achievements, so if you love building up your gamer tag, it might be worth picking up this version of Poi for that reason.
No word on a console version yet but we will report an any more news about Poi in the future.

GameXplain: Unboxing ‘Breath of the Wild’ Series Amiibo

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GameXplain: Unboxing ‘Breath of the Wild’ Series Amiibo

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When we covered GameXplain getting a Nintendo Switch review unit, you might have noticed them taking out Zelda amiibo’s. After the embargo period ended on showing off the amiibo’s, GameXplain unboxes them and they are some of the best figures in the Amiibo series. Detailed character expressions, quality texture work and great painting; they are great figures for collectors.
I personally would like to pick up the Link Archer and Zelda (BoTW Version) figures at some point in the future, but the Guardian is a really cool Amiibo as well.

Did You Know Gaming? – Dr. Eggman

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Did You Know Gaming? – Dr. Eggman

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The mean bean machine, creator of army’s of robots, and lover of Evil Ham; Dr. Eggman is one of gaming’s most iconic villains. He is not only funny but also is quite the challenge for Sonic to over come in many of his adventures. Did You Know Gaming spent some time diving into the history of the good doctor.

In the run up to Sonic Mania, Did You Know Gaming takes a look at some facts, secrets, Easter eggs and history of Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik. Dr. Eggman is the main antagonist of SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog series, but wasn’t called ‘Eggman’ in the west until the release of Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast. Through our analysis of the series and its gameplay, beta material, we aim to present as many interesting Eggman facts as possible in this mini documentary.

I feel that similar to past work, this episode of Did You Know gaming was well written and researched. Greatly enjoyed learning more elements about one of my favorite characters in gaming.

Resident Evil 7 Finishes What Silent Hills Started – GameSpot’s Reboot Series

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Resident Evil 7 Finishes What Silent Hills Started – GameSpot’s Reboot Series

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GameSpot launched a new video series called ‘Reboot’ and it covers a wealth of topics in the world of gaming. One such topic was horror games and what better game to discuss than Resident Evil 7. The game has been shocking many (both in expectations and in frights) in recent weeks and it’s impact on the horror genre is important.
On consoles, survival horror morphed into the action-horror game for many franchises like Resident Evil and Dead Space. While action-horror can be a great time as titles like Resident Evil 4 and Dead Space 2 prove, the genres at it’s best when trying to scare you. This above video from GameSpot details why Resident Evil 7 is so important in the content of the horror genre at large.
I fully watched it and I personally really enjoyed the video. Highly recommend you give it a watch if you are interested in learning more about horror gaming.

Rocket League: PS4 Pro vs. PS4 Graphics/Frame Rate Comparison (Digital Foundry)

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Rocket League: PS4 Pro vs. PS4 Graphics/Frame Rate Comparison (Digital Foundry)

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Rocket League is an indie darling that got a lot of tracktion on consoles after being a PlayStation Plus title. It soon became a must-own indie title for all console owners and got various pieces of DLC released to continue keeping the game supported. One part of this move to support the game is adapting the title for new platforms. This happened for the Xbox One and now it’s happening for the PlayStation 4 Pro.
Releasing a new patch to take advantage of the Pro’s higher end graphics and CPU abilities, does this car-bumping title have a better experience on stronger hardware? Digital Foundry has the answer to that question with the above video detailing how different the game looks/runs on both PS4 and PS4 Pro.

Zelda Breath of the Wild – Battle Music Sample (GameXplain)

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Zelda Breath of the Wild – Battle Music Sample (GameXplain)

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Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is releasing next week but one aspect to the game many want to know about is the music. With a legacy for producing some really impressive soundtracks, Breath of the Wild has a lot to live up to on this front. GameXplain was able to capture audio from their time with the game and we got a music sample of one of the games battle themes.
You can listen to it above but it sounds nothing I would expect from Zelda. It blends musical genre’s, creating a bold piece that feels ‘unique’ compared to past Zelda adventures.

Tribute Song for Breath of the Wild – PeanutButterGamer, Garrett Williamson, Yungtown

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Tribute Song for Breath of the Wild – PeanutButterGamer, Garrett Williamson, Yungtown

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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is releasing in just a week and there is a lot to discuss for the title. Previews for the game, how it runs across platforms and more are being reported on currently but a fan project released recently that really impressed me.
Infamous YouTube Content Creators came together to create a very impressive music video to celebrate the Zelda franchise and upcoming launch for Breath of the Wild. Full credits can be found below, but I highly recommend you check the music video out (which is above this text).
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First Breath of the Wild Review Comes out (EDGE Magazine) – Quote from Review

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Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a huge game, that is impressing many people. But many are wondering if it will live up to the hype. While we might not be reviewing the game in time for launch, others are offering feedback on their experience with Zelda. Many of these are previews that were allowed to release after Nintendo’s embargo was lifted, but reviews will start releasing March 2nd.
However EDGE Magazine revealed in their latest issue that they will be reviewing the title and a quote from the review’s conclusion came out. 

“The result, for all the longevity of its series and the familiarity of the open world genre, is a game that evokes feelings we haven’t felt for 20 years. Not since Ocarina of Time have we set foot in a world that feels so mind-bogglingly vast and unerringly magical, that proves so relentlessly intriguing. Plenty of games promise to let us go anywhere and do anything. Few, if any, ever deliver so irresistibly. 19 years on Ocarina is still held up as the high water mark of gamings best loved and greatest series. Now it may have to settle for second place”.

This shouldn’t really be news-worthy, as it’s just a quote. But considering this is one of the first reviews we are getting wind of, this indicates we might be in for a very impressive Zelda adventure. Once more reviews come in, we will be providing a round-up like we’ve done in the past for other titles. Stay tuned for further Zelda and Nintendo news as it comes out.

Sukoden IV Coming to PS2 Classics on PlayStation 3 (No PS4 Version Planed)

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While many are waiting for the next PS2-to-PS4 Classic to release, PS3 owners can enjoy picking up Suikoden IV when the store updates on Tuesday next week (as of this writing). Discovered by  on Twitter, it was announced on the PlayStation Drop for the coming week. It’s great seeing PS Classic’s support still come out on PlayStation 3, as despite many owning PS4’s at this point, some still didn’t get a chance to upgrade yet. 
It also shows that Konami is interested in pushing for game development, as shown with Bomberman R for the Nintendo Switch and Metal Gear Survive on PS4/Xbox One/PC coming out later this year. Maybe we will see Suikoden IV come out on PlayStation 4 in the future as part of the PS2-to-PS4 Classics program but considering how quiet it has been, Sony maybe dropped support for it.
Would not surprise me, as Sony is known to drop support for products/services that don’t do well sometimes.
Source: Twitter

Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Handheld vs. Docked Comparison (GameXplain)

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Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Handheld vs. Docked Comparison (GameXplain)

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GameXplain shows Breath of the Wild running side-by-side in both portable and docked mode. The end result is something quite interesting, as the portable version runs better. Using 720p as it’s resolution, the game runs at a stable 30FPS with little to no drops; an impressive feat considering it’s a large open world. But when you crank that resolution up to 900p when docked, some issues come up.
The footage GameXplain provided shows that the frame rate takes a heavy hit into the low 20’s when exploring areas with lush grass, indicating the stream of data or too much GPU usage causing the slow down. It wasn’t tested in docked mode when locking the Switch’s native resolution is set to 720p however. Nintendo will likely either patch a fix or encourage you use the 720p resolution/portable mode for better frame rates.