This is the Best Xbox Live Subscription Deal We’ve Seen in a While

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This is the Best Xbox Live Subscription Deal We’ve Seen in a While

This is the Best Xbox Live Subscription Deal We’ve Seen in a While

This is the Best Xbox Live Subscription Deal We’ve Seen in a While This is the Best Xbox Live Subscription Deal We’ve Seen in a While By Michael Rougeau | Jan 27, 2013 | 7:53 pm | Permalink A year’s subscription to Xbox Live Gold, which lets you play games online, access Internet Explorer and Netflix, and more, is normally $60.

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J.J. Abrams, Gabe Newell team for D.I.C.E. 2013 keynote

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J.J. Abrams, Gabe Newell team for D.I.C.E. 2013 keynote

J.J. Abrams, Gabe Newell team for D.I.C.E. 2013 keynote

Television writer, director, producer, and all-around bad ass J.J. Abrams, and Valve boss Gabe Newell, will team up to host the opening keynote at the 2013 D.I.C.E. Summit on February 6 in Las Vegas. The two media powerhouses are teaming up for a session titled “Storytelling Across Platforms: Who Benefits Most, the Audience or the Player?

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FFXA’s creator comments on Orbits

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FFXA’s creator comments on Orbits

FFXA’s creator comments on Orbits and Durango..
TD,LR’d by a GAFfer πŸ™‚ :
“TLDR: Based on rumour/leaked specs Timothy Lottes sees the big picture for Microsoft’s 720 as:
not making a custom OS, it is high cost,
cheaper hardware, don’t sell at a loss,
selling a DVR, going after more than just gamers,
focus on the more casual, larger player base
refresh hardware often, get people to purchase more often,
build a “PC”, easier to port games from”
Via: NeoGAF

Here’s Your First Look Inside The Glorious Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia Collector’s Edition

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Here’s Your First Look Inside The Glorious Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia Collector’s Edition

Here’s Your First Look Inside The Glorious Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia Collector’s Edition

RSS For the last year or so , the Hyrule Historia seemed like a piece of the powerful and legendary TriForce. Fans of Nintendo’s mega-popular series knew the Japan-only book existed. But English-speaking Zelda acolytes had to go through out-of-the-way means – like maybe-not-legal scans and fan translations – to get at its knowledge. Not anymore.

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Hello πŸ™‚

Today I will be showing something that I thought when I mixed the best of Console, Mobile/Tablet gaming aspects with some multimedia features and other things… (Note: This is not aimed to be real, but rather a concept to show off what Next-GenΒ Could be)
I really wanted to do this because it seemed to me that majority of people are not liking what Next-Gen looks like so far..

Read more at Motwera’s Blog >>